Reveal 50% Off Sale!

50% off until the end of July 2024. Use coupon code JULY50 on checkout.

How Reveal Helps

Reveal connects to your app while it is running on a physical device, or in the Simulator to build a detailed, accurate understanding of your app’s user interfaces.
This information is then run through a comprehensive set of over 130 different rules that will direct your attention to actual and potential issues, and educate you about best practices.
The results of running these rules against your app are presented in an easy-to-read report that you can use to guide your efforts, saving you time and money.
And the best bit? After you’ve put in the effort to fix an issue for your users, you can refresh the report to see the results of your work immediately!

Dive Deeper


130+ powerful rules

Built using advice and guidance from industry experts, as well as our own experience as consultants. Covering Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Accessibility Best Practices, UIKit Best Practices, and Color Contrast Checks.

Accurate information

Analysis is performed on information that is gathered from your app at runtime, which is the only place where the accessible user interfaces of your app exist.

Effortless Sharing

Capture and save everything using Reveal’s snapshots to quickly and easily share findings with your colleagues.

Customize your reports

Enable or disable any combination of rules to suit the way you work.

SwiftUI Support

Use the Insights and Accessibility workspaces support apps built with SwiftUI.

Speed up your workflow

Rules are run near instantly, freeing your time to focus on the harder, more manual parts of building a great app.

Deep analysis

Jump directly from an issue to the relevant workspace to see further details in context.

Directs your attention

Explore clear, easy to understand explanations of issues, including links to further reference material so that you can learn as you go.

by Itty Bitty Apps