Reveal 50% Off Sale!

50% off until the end of July 2024. Use coupon code JULY50 on checkout.

Our Darkest Release Yet!

A new release of Reveal (v18) is available to all users with a current license, and as a 14-day trial.


  • Reveal now supports macOS 10.14 Mojave’s Dark Mode.
  • Significant performance improvements to rendering and interaction with the canvas. This should be most noticeable with large view hierarchies.
  • Visual improvements to how filter matches are displayed. Only the elements that have been filtered upon will be highlighted.
  • Filtering by properties of a view’s backing layer is now possible.


  • Changing the zPosition and transform properties on UIView instances will now properly update the canvas.
  • Fixed a bug in rendering order calculations that could cause the z-ordering of views to become incorrect when rendered in the canvas.
  • Modifying layer properties on UIImageView instances will no longer cause the view’s image to disappear in the canvas.
  • Fixes to filtering of matched ancestors.
  • The string enumeration inspector will now respond to all selection changes.
  • The UIScreen property inspectors have been rearranged so that the Layout tab is not empty.

Please note that macOS 10.13.4 or later is now required to run Reveal.

Minimum System Requirements

  • macOS 10.13.4
  • iOS 8
  • tvOS 9
  • Xcode 8


Please report any problems you experience or give us feedback from within Reveal (see “Help → Submit Feedback”), or via our support forum.

Tony Arnold
Tony Arnold
by Itty Bitty Apps