Inspector for the directionalLayoutMargins property is now displayed correctly
Added missing inspectors for properties declared in UITextDraggable protocol: textDragActive, textDropActive, textDragOptions
Participating Constraints inspector now correctly includes descriptions of firstBaseline and margin-related layout attributes
Changes to the list of windows on the screen are now detected correctly when the view hierarchy is modified using inspectors
Precise ordering of windows that share the same level is now preserved in the Outline and Canvas
If a view goes offscreen but is not deallocated while Reveal is collecting snapshot images (e.g. due to an animation completion), it is now captured correctly instead of showing up empty
Layout guide items in the Outline are now updated correctly when their identifier changes
Fixed a crash occurring when inspecting applications running in Simulator with views larger than 16384 pixels in size
New snapshots of applications running on devices and simulators with non-P3 displays will no longer appear ‘over-exposed’ in the Canvas when running High Sierra
Timeout for launching Soundstagram has been increased to avoid failing due to simulator environment taking a long time to initialise
Fixed Soundstagram failing to launch in some environments with lots of simulators